Chemistry Lab
In order to foster scientific enquiry in students by letting them test and verify various theories and principles of chemistry, the school has well equipped, chemistry laboratory. The purpose is to impart elementary knowledge and basic practical techniques among the students. Here students enjoy to analyse various skills of chemistry Practical.
We have a well equipped Chemistry Lab having complete equipment required for conducting all experiments mandated by CBSE. Electronic and chemical balances, all the requisite apparatus are made available to the students in adequate numbers to prepare them for practical exams as well as higher studies afterwards.The lab can accommodate 24 students at a time. Practical classes done in batches inculcate the spirit of “one team-one goal” in these budding scientists.

The excitement before and sense of achievement after the practical session is always a treat to watch. The best moment of the lab experience is when the students of junior classes come and get their first exposure to the world of science, with wide open mouths.