General Discipline
- Both Parents and students should keep in mind the following norms of discipline. Students are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in school, but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct on the part students will make them liable to disciplinary action. Parents are co-educators of the child, so it is essential to mould the character of your ward and instil discipline .To achieve this goal, parents should co-operate with the principal and the staff.
- Parents are expected to meet the class teachers on specific days (3rd Saturday) at the allotted time to discuss the progress of your ward. If a student needs to leave the school premises during school hours parents should sent the request letter. This be sanctioned by the principal and informed to the class teacher. Verbal request through messengers or student themselves to allow them to go home will not be complied with. Change in address or telephone numbers of parents must be intimated to the school .failing which the school will not be responsible for the non-receipt of communications.
- Kindly avoid criticizing the school or the staff in public or in your Childs presence because by doing so, the Childs attitude towards the school becomes unhealthy and will grow up to be an emotionally imbalanced individual.
- Attend parent teacher meeting, school functions, and be co-operative with the school…Any legitimate complaint should be brought to the notice of the Principal. If a student is found to have done damage to the class or to school property, the parent will have to make good the loss. In case of contagious disease keep the child at home. Please inform the class teacher of any congenital disorder or physical or psychological or emotional problem of your ward to enable the authorities to take care during emergency.
- Do not give excessive money, expensive/ fancy stationery, mobile phones etc.
- Any student caught copying in any examination or test found committing malpractice will be awarded zero marks.
Gold ornaments, jewellery and costly article are not allowed to school under any circumstances.
- CDS, pen drives, Mobile phones, cameras, video games, chewing gum, fire crackers, periodicals, comics, fancy articles, sharp edged instruments etc, should not be brought to school. If found guilty stern disciplinary action will be taken. And it will be confiscated. Fine will be imposed. Students of XI & XII can bring educational CDs with the permission of the teacher. Wrist watches (not fancy) for class VI on wards are allowed.
- Parents are requested to monitor the time spent for TV, viewing, use of computer, internet, and mobile phone. Over exposure and unmonitored use could be detrimental to their performance. at school as well as their overall development.
- Kindly avoid withdrawing your ward from classes for social functions as it affects the Childs progress and diminishes his/her respect for regular hard work.Parents /guardians /visitors are not expected to enter the class room or speak to teachers during class hours.
- If a child has an injury or accident in school, first aid is given at the school. If it is serious, the parent is informed. In emergency, the child may be immediately hospitalized. However, in the event of any mishap, the school does not take any legal responsibility.
- Your ward should come to school with neat and clean uniform, well polished shoes, clean socks, ID card, Belt, etc every day and maintain good hygiene.On Birthdays, students may wear casual clothes; the child may donate a book to the school library as a befitting gift.
- The school counsellor is available during the school hours. In the event of any academic or emotional stress, you may contact the counsellor through the class teacher.