We, the Ursulines of Mary immaculate, after the example of our foundress, blessed Brigida of Jesus, consider education as the integral formation of the young ,instructing them in moral values, ensuring quality education that combine spiritual and human formation which will enable them to live purposefully in a challenging world.
Our educational endeavor is a potent means to form a new generation with civic consciousness, concern for social justice, human values and solidarity with people of different religions and social background.A committed band of teachers is the backbone of our educational institutions whose loyalty to the institute, professional competency, humane dealings and inspiring lifestyle encourages and motivates our students to achieve par excellence in all fronts upholding the UMI vision of education.
We enable our students to discover the deeper meaning of life and of transcendence, to think independently and critically, to take the side of the poor, speak for justice and truth, and become agents of empowerment and social transformation. Our institutions are open to all students irrespective of cast and creed; they are accepted and are helped to grow in their cultural, social and religious traditions. Being institutions established administered by a minority community based on religion, they will give preference to Christians in admission and appointments and have a special concern for the faith formation of the Christian youth.
Our institutions are also open to society at large by making their resources available for the ongoing education and growth.Our institution will follow the rules and regulations laid down by the authorities of Ursulines of Mary Immaculate in its functioning including the employment policies.For the realization of this UMI goal of education, we invite students, and teachers to share this vision and to cooperate with us wholeheartedly

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